God’s Time Out

June Evans

In the final analysis you do not need control of your circumstances or the people in your life. Control yourself. Make right responses to circumstances and people, and your life will always turn to good, in spite of circumstances and people. Controlling yourself takes some hard work. Sometimes you need to speak harshly to yourself. Sometimes you need to tell self to be quiet. Now there is a challenge!! Self loves to talk. You can put self in “time out,” but self does not like to be out of control for long. From years of controlling myself I found the best solution, the only solution, is to turn self over to the control of the Holy Spirit. He is an expert at handling self. He speaks softly, but He carries a big stick called conviction, repentance, and obedience. Conviction speaks harshly to self. Repentance ceases the talk of self. However, if yourself does not obey conviction and repentance you are going to spend a lot of time in God’s “time out.” I choose to make self obey The Holy Spirit because I hate being in God’s “time out.” Don’t you?‪#‎writtenwisdomfrommamajune‬