Don’t Let People Break You

June Evans

The people in your life can make you or break you. You have to make the decision which it will be. What people say or do cannot be controlled by you, but whether or not words and actions remain with you is up to you. Sure, it is a fight to forgive those who hurt, to love the unlovely, to bless and pray for the ones who cursed you. But this is where your Christianity becomes real. This is where you through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit treat people like God treats people. Instead of brooding about all the people in your life who have treated you badly why not rejoice for all the people who are there for you, who have your back, and who love you and support you. Sure there are people who have done you wrong. Give them no place in your feelings or thoughts. Instead make a list of all those who have preached to you, prayed for you, listened to you, etc. Be thankful for them. Think about them. In spite of what you see, think, or have experienced there are a lot of good, good people of God surrounding you. Thank God for the good, and give the bad no place to dwell in your life.‪#‎writtenwisdomfrommamajune‬